Friday, September 11, 2009


Tears of blood; a man tearing the flesh off his neck by his own hands, a pregnant woman cut in 4 parts and the six month unborn child placed by her breasts, another man is near her committing necrophilia; this is not a horror movie this is Earth. I’m sorry; I probably shouldn’t blame Earth for humans' sins. I wonder if all the humans were dead would Earth purify itself and return to its former glory, or perhaps there might be other creatures that would f@#k it up as much as we did? I highly doubt it. Sometimes I can’t see the stars or the moon from all the lights of the city and the crowds of these tall building that’s futilely trying to fight for the skies to reach the heavens, that makes me very sad. Isn’t it amazing that we like such things as the stars and the moon? I mean the stars are simply huge fire that can probably destroy our entire solar system if exploded in it. Also, the moon is simply a rock reflecting the suns light. That’s the other thing that I don’t get, how can the sun make a rock so beautiful and when it’s reflected on us we can’t look at it and gaze away from it; perhaps the sun reflects the truth and that's why we try to hide from it, perhaps not. Back to the topic on hand, recently I had an urge to migrate from Earth, but since I don’t have money to purchase a land in Uranus (never gets old) I spend most of my time and money on the virtual world. Though the Earth itself have proven to me that it is quite fascinating a lot of times, the dominating force that occupies it are quite the evil punch. You know that I attempted murder once, yeah, I tried to kill my inner child; turned out his the evil one, he beat the shhh* out of me and have me working in his sweatshop. Damn! I’m drifting off again la la la la ……
Am I being unfair to humans, Am I looking at the empty half of the cup? Did you know that the cup only have one sip left? Of course you knew, you know why; CAUSE YOU DRANK ALL OF IT (*saying to myself* relax x10). During the ethics class that I took the only thing that all culture considered unethical was incest, however, do you know that in the country you live there is probably incest being committed right now? (the past statement is the unfounded, and unsupported, but true). How about rape, adultery, fornication, theft, murder, or perhaps one person doing them all? (WOW, that would be an Evil SOB). (If you didn’t stop reading by now and contacted the suicide hotline, please continue reading for a happy ending) Also, in the human world there is torture (in all forms), child molestation, bestiality (I don’t recommend googling it if you don’t know what it is), bribery, back biting, cannibalism, and….. sorry my mind was just throwing up, can fill in the rest?!!! By the way, if you have a young child, I suggest that you gift them this article as reading material for light holiday reading. Damn, I’m drifting off again (Déjà Vu) la la la la………
As I promised for a happy ending, and given that a man doesn’t break his promise, you’re not getting one from me….. Just kidding. I want to say that there is good between humans, but I’ll be lying to myself. You know there is good, it’s like oxygen, you don’t see it, but you know it’s there. It’s like that ring story (not Lord of the rings) the one in the fish, your chances of encountering a good person are as slim as finding this ring (in the story; that doesn’t make any sense). Oh! Come on, I’m trying here. Smile…. Say cheese, now eat cheese, please, take it eaccy (in Spanish pronunciation). I don’t have anything else to say, you can stop reading NOW……….. Why are you still reading? I entitle you by the powers that have been bestowed upon me as reading Gwad. Stop.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Mirage of Revolution (Long)

The Mirage of Revolution


You know *Well you don’t but I’m about to tell you*, I’ve been facing mental perplexity lately that’s sort of puzzling me. While listening to one of my role model’s speeches (Malcolm X) specifically (The Ballet or the Bullet) speech, I was convinced that what the man is saying is the truth. I believed that in fact there was no bloodless revolution. Once you state the word “Enemy” and declare an opponent/s as such then you have unconsciously declared hostility against an antagonist.

Yet, I was taking a class for ethics in Literature, and in it I was faced by the so called "Gandhi Revolution" which at that time I did not read nor know anything about. I have to admit, that I still didn't educate myself in that example, mainly because of two reasons: 1) I don't like Gandhi as a person (sleeping with women unmarried issue) *envy*2) I tried to analyze the state of events in which the British decided to leave India.

First I wanted to know what is a revolution, I went to Webster like I normally do and it disappointed me, nothing in Webster gave accurate definition of a country's revolution. Instead I found a proper definition on Dictionary, it's as follows: "an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed." The word usage is excellent in this definition, this indeed what I feel revolution is.

Based on questions that I submitted on Yahoo answers and WikiAnswers I came to reach my conclusion in this matter (actually the conclusion that I've wanted to reach) *Yeaaaaah*.

Take my hand (take it), now, walk with me. There have been a British presence in India since 1612, which was mainly an economical presence. A colonial occupation was officially known after 1876, remember now, all this was during the age of the Great Britain which was an empire that controlled from the far east to the far west of the world at one point. During the occupation of India, two very important events happened WWI, and WWII. After WWII a new super power emerged to the world *I don't remember the name of that country at the moment* and the British empire transfered to what's known today "A Gay Nation" (Note: Gay means Happy). So what Am I trying to say? What I'm playing at, that since the British colonized India for over 100 year, and had an economical presence in it for over 300 years, I think that the only resource that was left for the Britain to abuse was the people (workers) of India. So, while I don't claim that Gandhi was useless; I state that he was able to cut off the only supply for which the British remained in India. Hence, With the low man power that faced this world after WWII and which affected Europe more than any other continent, England wouldn't have the man power to control a country which was as massive as India.

Okay, now I come to the reason why I'm writing this *fewwh*. Why does the blacks in the U.S. celebrate and glorify MLK (Martin Luther King Jr.) and Ignore Malcolm X or they don't give him the respect he deserves. See, MLK called for peaceful revolution which doesn't exist. He called for loving thy enemy, which is contradictory statement. On the other hand X called for true revolution. MLK philosophy was more of desegregation than revolution while X had an understanding and true vision of complete revolution.

Ok, strike that. Let's say for argument sakes that people wanted the MLK vision to become true, they failed, HE failed. After his assassination the violence increased and the White man (at the time) feared from the dawn of true revolution (X's vision) and hence the black got their wish of desegregation; Thanks to who? Malcolm X.

I just feel sad that Malcolm X doesn't get the credit for all he's done to Blacks and humanity in general, the man was truly great, and history have forever carved his name in its heart. *I'd like to also clear the air that I respect MLK and his ideals even though I may disagree with them*


A link to a full speech of the Ballet or the Bullet :

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Late Again

I decided to change the blog from weekly blog to monthly blog, because alot of my upcoming topics would require a bit of research from me, so I won't be just a waste of time to both reader and writer.
I apologize I haven't posted anything this past week, But I'm a poetry geek, and all the sudden I was introduced to 4 very good Poets so I was hearing everything I was able to get my hands on during that past week. I have a couple of topics in mind for the coming week, and hopefully it would be satisfying, I'm still in the process or research though so nothing is confirmed.

I'll leave you this week with another poem that I think is very good called Danger

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lying the Truth 101

Lying the Truth 101 Ranting

Let me first say this before I begin, while I don't encourage lying for any reason and support people who tell the truth, I do recommend that you perfect the art of lying in case that you already are a liar.

I lie. I don't lie as much as I use to but, I still lie because it became a habit. So what right?! we all lie, it's not like I'm the only person. You're right, but I'm one of the many that perfected lying, and one of the few that discovered the reason why they lie.

First, you need to perfect lying. Nobody likes to be caught lying right? Well, when I was around 4-5 I already began lying. (it doesn't matter what about) Yet, I had an older brother that would beat the living sh*t out of me if I lied (That took place in Egypt). He made one mistake though, he told me how he found out I was lying. It was always physical, a quivering voice, looking at the ground, doing a stupid movement that you don't normally do when you speak, and anything that was out the ordinary that could give it all away. Let's say you don't have somebody to tell you what you do wrong when you lie. No problem, practice in the mirror, put a webcam or camcorder, find a way to know what you're doing wrong. The next step is to analyze the way you tell the truth in a non-desperate situation. Why? Duh! Because in a desperate situation, everybody looks like they're lying *n00bs*. It should take you 3-6 month of lying on a regularly basis (5-6 times a week) to become flawless at it.

Second, you have to realize the reason you lie! The fact is all humans lie because they are afraid *relax mothef#@kers I ain't saying you cowards*. The origin of all lying is fear, whether its fear to lose something valuable, someone close to you, hurt the feelings of someone, fear of failure, I could go on for as long as you lame excuses go but I can assure you bring me a reason and I'll find the connection of that reason with fear. So, as soon as you can come to peace with that, one of three things will happen: 1) You'll stop lying because you won't fear anyone but God *If you're an atheist, seek help*. 2) You'll be more at peace with yourself knowing the reason and will try to not lie as much. Finally, 3) You won't give a f#@k less cause you're either a coward or a spy *Yes, this time I called you a coward*.

Third point, since I was trying to quit lying but couldn't as I mentioned earlier. I invented a partial solution for myself that I use on regular basis. I use incomplete sentences and assumptions in order to convey the wrong message to the person on the other end of my conversation. The keywords here are Asumptions & Incomplete sentences. Asumptions that's for the party opposite of you, and incomplete sentences are used by you. Example, you go for a lunch break and you take a little extra time for personal business, your supervisor ask's where you were when you get back, tell him you went to do *blah blah blah* buy a sandwich and you stood in a long line. Now naturally you have to stand in a line, and by definitions lines are usually long <----------> right! so you didn't lie. Let's say a coworker is in the restroom and an aszwhole call for him/her when he's doing he's business, you tell him he/she's not there, he proves that he's an aszwhole by asking you where he went! *tell him f#@k off* So, you tell him "You don't know his/her exact location currently" you didn't lie, unless you have a hidden ca.....Ahm....anyway, you get the jest right.

In conclusion of this shi**y post, If you have to do something do it right man! otherwise don't do it at all. Be creative, life is much boring if we don't use these brains of ours.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Palestinians Poetry

I didn't write anything this week mainly because of laziness, I will be updating things hopefully next week. In the mean while, I'll post this video It's Mind puzzling. Hopefully you won't be lazy like me and actually find a way to fix things around you.

Peace what f#@king joke, there is only peace to the powerful.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Taking Names and Kissing A$$


(tin foil hat)

It is my regular routine to grab a snack every 15-30 min. during weekdays aftercoming back for a “fantabulous” Tearing Hair Outworkday; consequentially, I’m able to get glimpses of the Television set in the living room. So, a couple days ago while making my 11th trip across my room and the kitchen I noticed that they are always showing a picture of a president. Curiosity took the best of me, and I sat to watch the news knowing full heartedly the brain damage caused by this Evil inventions *Be Gone Sata~n*. Often, when a news network shows a president picture (or motion picture Fhatever the Wuck it is) it is followed by pictures of crazy hooligans & barbarians (For synonyms see: Citizens or Denizen). That’s when the truth hit me Beating*Damn*; it’s not that the leaders are corrupt, it’s simply that the people are ungrateful son of ****** (Censored, FCC). After I realized what the issue is, I decide it out the goodness in my heart (Brain Alpha “Where is that?” Brain Beta shoots Brain Alpha) to dedicate few words to compliment the current most influential presidents of our time on their achievements.

Ah’m , Dear:

President Hamid Karazai, on behalf all the grateful citizens I thank you for supplying us with 90% of the world’s illegal opium, and I wish you progress in the coming years to achieve the percentage of 95. I also thank you for your vital role in saving mother earth; because of your bold head sir Cool 2scientists have thought of new ways to saving sun energy. I hereby award you the Name: Karazai The Golden Opium.

Ah’m (followed by a strong cough), Dear:

President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, Thank you for raising such wonderful kids, we look forward to have them rule over us with the same carelessness (I meant care *typo, backspace not working*) as you had.I also like to commend you for your patience in ruling over such ungrateful bunch for over 28 years. I suggest that we build a Pyramid for you bigger than the 3 already in existence, and it will be followed by 2 more pyramids for the future presidents and they’ll be called A7A (for meaning check with your nearest grumbling Egyptian friend).

Ah’m (followed by vomiting*Eww*), Dear:

Supreme Pontiff, Roman Catholic Church Benedict XVI (Also known as The Pope), Thank you for hushing down all the ridiculous news about sex abuse, I mean WTF, the priests were only performing a social service (you know how many people pay to get that service). I know that the long stick that you hold is for the purpose of exorcising unseen demons (Hsssh~! that’s our little secret). I shall provide you with the gift of: Kleines Kind (German*look it up*).Hiding Devil

Ah’m, Dear:

Queen Elizabeth II (formerly known as Elizabeth Alexandra Mary), Thank you for being a witness throughout the world since WWII to our current day. I also thank you for dividing those low human scums know as Arabs and implanting between them a wonderful democratic example such as Israel Crying 10 *Tears of appreciation*. While it is a pity that you “don’t have actual political power” it is good to know you have control over other places all over the world such as Canada, Bahamas, Jamaica, and others. I pray like many other of your loyal supporters pray “May God take the queen”.

Ah’m, Dear:

Hu Jinato, President of China…..Um~~~!! F#@k I’m not going to mess with China man. They’re too powerful, I was going to mention something about them being too small but Yao Ming will kick my A$. So, I’ll I’m gonna say to China is to stay big, because if they stumble everybody is going to操你祖宗十八代 (Chinese) up (Brrrrt).

Ah’m, Dear:

King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, WOW! King, old school ruling. To the point, I’d like thank you for keeping the Islamic ruling of passing the ruling within your family (wait, They didn't rule like that did they?)whatever they (Saudi) say their right. I’d like also the fact that you use your oil as a tool of pressure on those freaking Arabs and give it to the western civilization (The greatest of all humans) with such good prices. Your Minus (I meant highness that F8ing backspace still not working) I wish you enjoy your $20 something something billion dollars that I’m sure you saved by your personal effort.

OK…. These are the last two because I have shi* to do people.

Ah’m, Dear:

Barack Hussein O’Bama, I know your still a new president but your accomplishment for the past years are known some of them are: ………………..crickets…….(2 hours passed). Did I tell you your name was so cool? Keep the Israelis close and kick some Arab Azz.

Ah’m, Dear:

Last but of course not least, Moshe Katsav, Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for being the most democratic and peaceful country on earth. Thank you for preserving the innocence of the children and the word “Purity” in war. You are always trying to fight these damn terrorist organization who disguise themselves as civilians. If you ever need a body guard *call somebody else mother#@ker* holla. Peace and love.

If I didn’t mention your president it wasn’t because I’m busy or anything like that! It’s most likely that he’s not important enough to mention.

(tin foil hat/)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Fighting Against Your Other Self!

Quite often when I'm watching a drama do I hear the wise line "In order to beat your enemy, you have to be able to beat yourself" I'm thinking WTF, which one, I rarely feel the same and these guys make it look like were one of two people: a) Angelical good, or b) Devilish Evil. Then I started thinking that I might have multiple personalities and sh**, then one of my other selves told me no, your cool, your awesome, your adorable (until I was like enough already) he said ok; it's just them man. Most people they often have more than two personalities. I believed the guy of course, I mean come on, he's me. So, at this point I did what a normal sane person would do, and I had a meeting with my other selves to see who's staying and who's getting knocked the F*** out.
The personalities that attended the meeting according to seniority were: Selfish, Honest, Interesting, Helpless, Sloppy, Childish, Nasty, Creative, Inconsiderate, Sarcastic, Forgetful, Lazy, Disorganized, Ambitious, Timid, Loquacious, Crazy, Depressing, Comical, and last but certainly not least Evil. While I sat in the middle of this large company, all sharing a bowl of noodles, we mulled over who should leave! The first ones to get the boot were Sloppy and Childish, Inconsiderate made some inconsiderate comment about his companions, so we got rid of him too. Honest wanted to leave but we convinced him at the last minute to stay. Comical was cancelling out depressing so they're both staying, Forgetful and Disorganized get along just fine, and we tried to get rid of Evil but couldn't.

That was the End of our first annual meeting, and these were the traits we decided to keep this year.

I don’t really care which of your personalities you decide to keep, It's up to you to decide.