Friday, September 11, 2009


Tears of blood; a man tearing the flesh off his neck by his own hands, a pregnant woman cut in 4 parts and the six month unborn child placed by her breasts, another man is near her committing necrophilia; this is not a horror movie this is Earth. I’m sorry; I probably shouldn’t blame Earth for humans' sins. I wonder if all the humans were dead would Earth purify itself and return to its former glory, or perhaps there might be other creatures that would f@#k it up as much as we did? I highly doubt it. Sometimes I can’t see the stars or the moon from all the lights of the city and the crowds of these tall building that’s futilely trying to fight for the skies to reach the heavens, that makes me very sad. Isn’t it amazing that we like such things as the stars and the moon? I mean the stars are simply huge fire that can probably destroy our entire solar system if exploded in it. Also, the moon is simply a rock reflecting the suns light. That’s the other thing that I don’t get, how can the sun make a rock so beautiful and when it’s reflected on us we can’t look at it and gaze away from it; perhaps the sun reflects the truth and that's why we try to hide from it, perhaps not. Back to the topic on hand, recently I had an urge to migrate from Earth, but since I don’t have money to purchase a land in Uranus (never gets old) I spend most of my time and money on the virtual world. Though the Earth itself have proven to me that it is quite fascinating a lot of times, the dominating force that occupies it are quite the evil punch. You know that I attempted murder once, yeah, I tried to kill my inner child; turned out his the evil one, he beat the shhh* out of me and have me working in his sweatshop. Damn! I’m drifting off again la la la la ……
Am I being unfair to humans, Am I looking at the empty half of the cup? Did you know that the cup only have one sip left? Of course you knew, you know why; CAUSE YOU DRANK ALL OF IT (*saying to myself* relax x10). During the ethics class that I took the only thing that all culture considered unethical was incest, however, do you know that in the country you live there is probably incest being committed right now? (the past statement is the unfounded, and unsupported, but true). How about rape, adultery, fornication, theft, murder, or perhaps one person doing them all? (WOW, that would be an Evil SOB). (If you didn’t stop reading by now and contacted the suicide hotline, please continue reading for a happy ending) Also, in the human world there is torture (in all forms), child molestation, bestiality (I don’t recommend googling it if you don’t know what it is), bribery, back biting, cannibalism, and….. sorry my mind was just throwing up, can fill in the rest?!!! By the way, if you have a young child, I suggest that you gift them this article as reading material for light holiday reading. Damn, I’m drifting off again (Déjà Vu) la la la la………
As I promised for a happy ending, and given that a man doesn’t break his promise, you’re not getting one from me….. Just kidding. I want to say that there is good between humans, but I’ll be lying to myself. You know there is good, it’s like oxygen, you don’t see it, but you know it’s there. It’s like that ring story (not Lord of the rings) the one in the fish, your chances of encountering a good person are as slim as finding this ring (in the story; that doesn’t make any sense). Oh! Come on, I’m trying here. Smile…. Say cheese, now eat cheese, please, take it eaccy (in Spanish pronunciation). I don’t have anything else to say, you can stop reading NOW……….. Why are you still reading? I entitle you by the powers that have been bestowed upon me as reading Gwad. Stop.

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